23 March 2013

Gearing up... without Hero 3 -- a quick rant.

I've been working on my holiday preparations for a while.. doubting if I should really buy that Gopro camera or not. I decided I shouldn't do that and I will explain in detail why not. I am going to use this for diving and it is an extra I will use besides my photo camera. It really is a fun thing to have, and I have done action things before. Just check out my video section.

While the Gopro is a great action camera, and it beats the competition by miles, the pricetag for non-US territory is outright ridiculous. I already warmed up my creditcard after reading all the good stories, for a low cost action camera.

US$ 399 for a Hero 3 Black edition, I figured.
In my mind, I allowed for the usual "extra costs" of shipping this to Europe. It seems to be normal for US companies to ask the same number in Euro's as the thing is valued for in Dollars.

So: 399 USD becomes 399 Euro. NOT!

Gopro asks another 50 Euro for the same thing here. The price in Euro's becomes 449 Euro.

Actually the difference becomes huge, that way:
The original 399 USD camera ends up to be the equivalent of 583.10 USD in Europe? -- that cannot be true, can it?

Well, no.. I found out that the calculations for Europe include VAT ... some $79

Still : 100USD price difference?

I think I should check out the competitors.

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